Sunday, June 21, 2015

21 June 2015

In Ramadi today, security forces were able to advance toward the city’s eastern areas, particularly in Eastern Husayba and Juwayba. The forces are now about 2 km from the Anbar administrative boundary. Iraqi air support has struck a number of positions in the area and in the city’s northeastern sectors. Anbar Operations sources have reported that at least 13 ISIL gunmen were killed in the riverside areas on the opposite bank from Ramadi.
There have also been skirmishes instigated by ISIL gunmen in the southern and western sectors; the gunmen were turned back by security forces backed up by Iraqi air support.

In Fallujah, the continuing indiscriminate bombardments between the security forces holding the city’s perimeter and the ISIL gunmen controlling the city itself have killed 9 residents, including women and children, and wounded at least 17. The incoming fire struck a number of the city’s central and northern residential districts.

In Garma, military operations are continuing while security forces have not yet been able to take full control of the town center. The ongoing clashes are the fiercest the township has witnessed for more than one year.

In Baghdadi and Haditha townships, ISIL gunmen attempted during the night to infiltrate Haditha’s western sector, but security forces with Iraqi air support have thwarted these attempts. Meanwhile the situation in Baghdadi is reported calm.

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