Sunday, July 13, 2014

13 July 2014

In Ramadi, intermittent clashes have been going on, particularly in the city's western sector and also in the central, formerly secure, central districts that have now become quasi-military areas with the renewal of fighting around the 8th Brigade HQ and the gunmen's attempts at taking the position, but they have been confronted by fierce response by the army units holding it. The situation there has not yet been resolved. Yesterday the HQ's surroundings were subjected to shelling. There were also clashes in the northern and northwestern area along the Euphrates between the armed groups and army forces that are trying to regain control. However, there have been renewed attempts by the gunmen to make advances into the areas being held by the local authorities in Anbar.

With regard to the gunmen's attempts to seize Haditha, the gunmen launched an attack on the Sakran checkpoint in western Haditha, with a second attack on the Alous area in northeastern Haditha. Meanwhile Haditha is still totally surrounded by the armed groups, but reports indicate the arrival of new supplies to the army units at Haditha Dam.

In Fallujah, yesterday's casualty count stands at 4 dead and 7 others, mostly women and children, wounded by the shelling that has targeted numerous residential districts in the city.

In Al-Garma, eyewitnesses are describing the use of explosives-packed barrels/drums in bombarding the township, resulting in 10 casualties including 4 women and 2 children. Meanwhile, stringent security measures are in place in the areas around Fallujah and Al-Garma, including air reconnaissance missions.

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